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Highway Cleanup

Finley Moose Lodge members partnered up with River View High School students from the FCCLA and FCS classes to clean up the Finley area on April, 24, 2024.  Together the team collected 38 bags of trash.


A special thank you to the following people who helped with this event.

RVHS staff: Brittany, Rebekah & Ron. 

Students: Abbie, Amiya, Cody, Connor, Helyn, Kaelen, MacKenzie, Marina, Taylor & Zoey

Moose Lodge Members: Allen, Jenn, Liz & Terry


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Serving the community is the heart of the mission at the Finley Moose Lodge.  From youth to Seniors, service projects to scholarships our members provide support to local families


One Team...One Mission... The Finley Moose Lodge is a fraternal organization dedicated to caring for youth and seniors. Founded on April 18, 2009 with 35 Charter Members, the local Finley Moose Lodge is all about service to community.  More information about the Moose may be found at

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