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The Moose is a fraternal and service organization founded in 1888 with nearly 650,000 men in roughly 1,600 Lodges in 49 states and four Canadian provinces, plus Great Britain.  Along with other units of Moose international, the Loyal Order of Moose supports the operation of Mooseheart Child City & School, a 1,000-acre community for children and teens in need, located 40 miles west of Chicago; and Moosehaven, a 70-acre retirement community for its members near Jacksonville, Florida.


Additionally, members of the Moose conduct approximately $70 million worth of community service (counting monetary donations and volunteer hours worked) annually.  The Loyal Order of Moose organizes and participates in numerous sports and recreation programs, in local Lodges and Family Centers in the majority of 44 State and Provincial Associations, and on a fraternity-wide basis.  Lodges across the Fraternity are know for creating life-long bonds between members through activities and a shared concern for children in need, seniors and the communities in which they live.

The mission of Moose International, Inc., is to strive for excellence in four areas: (i) a fraternal program and community service within our lodge system known as The Moose (ii) to provide a family environment and education for children in need in residence at Mooseheart, Illinois; (iii) to provide for the needs of senior members at Moosehaven, Florida; and, (iv) to promote membership growth.

Moose International, Inc., provides opportunities for fraternal unity within its membership throughout the Unites States, Canada and Great Britain and has as a basic tenet - excellence in volunteerism, fraternalism, the promise of the finest living facilities at both Mooseheart and Moosehaven and continual custodial service for those entrusted to our care.

Moose Internal, Inc., is committed to a positive leadership role in our communities as demonstrated by the establishment of modern lodge facilities and family centers to hose activities for the entire family, complete with varied sports programs and assistance to our neighbors in need through community service programs.  This is accomplished through continuous leadership training programs that adhere to high ethical standards, excellence, quality and total volunteer commitment by every lodge officer. 

Moose International is a charitable, non-discriminatory non-profit corporation funded primarily by members of the Moose.



Mooseheart is a residential childcare facility, located on a 1,000-acre campus 38 miles west of Chicago.  The Child City is a home for children and teens in need, from infancy through high school.

Dedicated in July 1913 by the Moose fraternal organization, Mooseheart cares for youth whose families are unable, for a wide variety of reasons, to care for them.  Some have lost one or both parents; others are living in environments that are simply not conducive to healthy growth and development.  Whatever the reason, the men and women of the Moose, through unparalleled generosity and volunteerism, furnish the resources necessary to care for children in need.  The Moose fraternity provides children with a wholesome home-like environment and the best possible training and education.


Welcome to a very special retirement community.

Moosehaven is a private membership retirement community located on the banks of the St. Johns River, in the heart of Orange Park, Florida.  With a full range of programs and services, Moosehaven provides seniors 65 and older a comfortable and secure retirement option.  Residents enjoy the benefits of social interaction and support services within a residential community that has served members of The Moose since 1922.


Elected Officers of the Finley Moose Lodge.

Officers - Terry Lucke.jpg



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Past President

Officers - Liz Lucke.jpg


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